# All except winning bid disqualified (R035) Bids are disqualified if not submitted by the single tenderer of the winning bid. :::{seealso} {doc}`038` ::: ## Methodology A contracting process is flagged if: - Exactly one tenderer submitted one or more bids that are valid (i.e. qualified). - The tenderer of the valid bids and the suppliers of all active awards are the same. - At least 1 other tenderer submitted a bid that was disqualified. (1 is the **threshold**.) The winner is also flagged. :::{admonition} Example :class: seealso The National Rail Service receives five bids. It disqualifies four bids, and awards the contract to the remaining bid from CorruptX Solutions. ::: :::{admonition} Why is this a red flag? :class: hint A corrupt buyer can award the pre-determined bidder by disqualifying other bidders' bids. ::: Based on "Exclusion of all but one bid" in [*An Objective Corruption Risk Index Using Public Procurement Data*](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301646354_An_Objective_Corruption_Risk_Index_Using_Public_Procurement_Data) and "Prevalence of faulty bids" in [*Toolkit for detecting collusive bidding in public procurement*](https://www.govtransparency.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/GTI_WP2014_2_Toth_et_al_150413.pdf). ## Output The indicator's value for the contracting process is the number of unique tenderers with disqualified bids. The indicator's value for the tenderer is always 0.0. If the ``--map`` command-line flag is set, the ``Maps`` key contains: ocid_tenderer_r035 : The flagged tenderers for each flagged `ocid`. ## Configuration All configuration is optional. If you observe many false positives among contracting processes with few submitted bids, you can increase the threshold. To override the default **threshold**, add to your settings file, as a natural number: ```ini [R035] threshold = 1 # default ``` ## Exclusions A contracting process is excluded if: - An award's status is pending or invalid. ## Demonstration *Input* :::{literalinclude} ../../../examples/R/035.jsonl :language: json ::: *Output* ```console $ ocdscardinal indicators --settings docs/examples/R/035.ini --no-meta docs/examples/R/035.jsonl {"OCID":{"F":{"R035":1.0}},"Tenderer":{"V":{"R035":0.0}}} ```